
Monroy-Vilchis, O., G. A. González-Desales, Á. Balbuena-Serrano, J. Robles-Rodríguez, and M. M. Zarco-González. 2024. Distribución potencial de <i>Agkistrodon bilineatus</i> (Squamata: Viperidae) y primeros registros en el Centro de México. Caldasia 46: 361–370. https://doi.org/10.15446/caldasia.v46n2.101348

Agkistrodon bilineatus is a viperid snake with a broad geographic range in Mexico and Central America. Because this species has potent venom and is categorized as Near Threatened on the Red List of Threatened Species of the International Union for Conservation of Nature, understanding its habitat associations and distribution will contribute to both human health and conservation decisions internationally. Based on a comprehensive review of literature and museum records, in addition to our fieldwork, we built the first distribution model for A. bilineatus. Our presence-only consensus model exclusively incorporated contemporary records for the species (from 1980 to 2022, n = 36). The variables that contributed most strongly to the consensus model were: (a) distance to deciduous broadleaf forest, (b) human population density, (c) elevation, (d) precipitation of the wettest quarter, and (e) percentage of herbaceous cover. Of the high-probability distribution area for A. bilineatus predicted by the model, 72.9 % is in Mexico, 12.7 % in Honduras, 9.1 % in Guatemala and 5.2 % in El Salvador. Of the A. bilineatus historical records (those pre-1980), 92.3 % (36/39) were within the high-probability area predicted by the model, indicating either strong model performance or overprediction. Included in our modelling effort were the first two records for A. bilineatus from the State of Mexico, which increases the number of reptile species to 102 in this State. We briefly discuss the implications of our work for human medical treatment and improved conservation assessments for this species, which experiences many environmental threats. 

Wilmot Wood Brown Jr.
Wilmot Wood Brown Jr.

五月 19, 1868 – 七月 10, 1953



采集了 Tyrannidae 并鉴定了 Cricetidae

采集了 Colubridae 并鉴定了 Orchidaceae

Howard K. Gloyd

二月 12, 1902 – 八月 07, 1978



采集了 Phrynosomatidae 并鉴定了 Viperidae

采集了 Colubridae 并鉴定了 Colubridae

Richard Thomas Lowe
Richard Thomas Lowe

十二月 04, 1802 – 四月 13, 1874

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland


采集了 Fabaceae 并鉴定了 Craspedopomatidae