学名 收藏者 鉴定员 采集日期 鉴定日期 机构 目录编号 类型状态 记录基础
已采集 Geigeria plumosa subsp. plumosa Dinter 1907 Asteraceae LD 1097101 type of geigeria dinteri muschl. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
已采集 Kleinia herreiana K. Dinter 1929 Asteraceae LD 1213989 type of senecio herreianus dinter PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
已采集 Felicia hirsuta K. Dinter 1929 Asteraceae LD 1214049 type of aster buchubergensis dinter PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
已采集 Oxalis parvicormus K. Dinter 1929 Oxalidaceae LD 1065622 possible type of oxalis parvicormus dinter PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
已采集 Oxalis knuthiana K. Dinter 1929 Oxalidaceae LD 1065430 possible type of oxalis knuthiana salter PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
已采集 Lebeckia halenbergensis K. Dinter 1929 Fabaceae LD 1216629 isotype of lebeckia halenbergensis merxm. & a. schreiber PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
已采集 Euphorbia mauritanica K. Dinter 1929 Euphorbiaceae LD 1968258 isotype of euphorbia mauritanica var. foetens a.c. white, r.a. dyer & b. sloane PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
已采集 Euphorbia mauritanica K. Dinter 1929 Euphorbiaceae LD 1026885 isotype of euphorbia corallothamnus dinter PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
已采集 Nicolasia quinquiseta [K.] Dinter 1907 LD 1214109 isosyntype of nicolasia quinquiseta o. hoffm. ex thell. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
已采集 Stapelia pachyrrhiza K. Dinter 1929 Apocynaceae LD 1226649 isoneotype of stapelia pachyrrhiza dinter PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
已采集 Zaluzianskya benthamiana K. Dinter 1929 Scrophulariaceae LD 1953938 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
已采集 Crotalaria erecta K. Dinter 1929 Fabaceae LD 2024246 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
已采集 Crotalaria mollis K. Dinter 1929 Fabaceae LD 2012012 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
已采集 Ophioglossum costatum K. Dinter 1929 Ophioglossaceae LD 1954537 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
已采集 Oxalis luederitzii K. Dinter 1929 Oxalidaceae LD 1692250 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
已采集 Cleretum papulosum subsp. schlechteri K. Dinter 1929 Aizoaceae LD 1690250 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
已采集 Cephalophyllum ebracteatum K. Dinter 1929 Aizoaceae LD 1685260 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
已采集 Euphorbia K. Dinter 1929 Euphorbiaceae LD 1226899 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
已采集 Microloma K. Dinter 1929 Apocynaceae LD 1215967 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
已采集 Xanthodactylon flammeum K. Dinter 1922 Teloschistaceae LD 1089216 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
已采集 Wahlenbergia intricatissima K. Dinter 1929 Campanulaceae LD 1029782 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
已采集 Euphorbia juttae K. Dinter 1929 Euphorbiaceae LD 1065686 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
已采集 Indigofera viscosa Dinter 1907 Fabaceae LD 2063815 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
已采集 Gnidia microphylla Dinter 1929 Thymelaeaceae LD 1500939 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN