
Rodríguez-Merino, A. 2023. Identifying and Managing Areas under Threat in the Iberian Peninsula: An Invasion Risk Atlas for Non-Native Aquatic Plant Species as a Potential Tool. Plants 12: 3069. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants12173069

学名 收藏者 鉴定员 采集日期 鉴定日期 机构 目录编号 类型状态 记录基础
已采集 Myriophyllum verrucosum Chippendale, G. Moody, M.L. 1956-05-25 2004 Haloragaceae CANB CANB 37461.1 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
已采集 Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides Chippendale, G.M. 1953-08-19 Araliaceae NSW NSW78270 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
已采集 Pistia stratiotes Chippendale, G.M. 1959-05-18 Araceae NSW NSW101028 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
已采集 Aponogeton distachyos Chippendale, G. Hellquist, C.B.|Jacobs, S.W.L. 1953-09-04 1997-12 Aponogetonaceae NSW NSW522529 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN