学名 收藏者 鉴定员 采集日期 鉴定日期 机构 目录编号 类型状态 记录基础
已采集 已鉴定 Thamnolia vermicularis Beatrice Willard Beatrice Willard 1959-09-04 1959 Icmadophilaceae COLO COLO-L-0043586 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
已采集 已鉴定 Stereocaulon tomentosum Beatrice Willard Beatrice Willard 1959-09-04 1959 Stereocaulaceae COLO COLO-L-0043047 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
已采集 已鉴定 Parmelia sulcata Beatrice Willard Beatrice Willard 1959-09-04 1959 Parmeliaceae COLO COLO-L-0029784 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
已采集 已鉴定 Cladonia Beatrice Willard Beatrice Willard 1959-09-04 1959 Cladoniaceae COLO COLO-L-0013794 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
已采集 已鉴定 Cladonia Beatrice Willard Beatrice Willard 1959-09-04 1959 Cladoniaceae COLO COLO-L-0013806 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
已采集 已鉴定 Cladonia gracilis Beatrice Willard Beatrice Willard 1959-09-04 1959 Cladoniaceae COLO COLO-L-0011778 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
已采集 已鉴定 Flavocetraria cucullata Beatrice Willard Beatrice Willard 1959-09-04 1959 Parmeliaceae COLO COLO-L-0007948 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
已采集 Umbilicaria exasperata Beatrice Willard unknown 1959-09-04 not given Umbilicariaceae COLO COLO-L-0045049 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
已采集 Umbilicaria neoproboscidea Beatrice Willard updated by T.L. Esslinger (A Cumulative Checklist for the Lichen-forming, Lichenicolous and Allied Fungi of the Continental United States and Canada) 13 December 20122 1959-09-04 2012 Umbilicariaceae COLO COLO-L-0045481 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
已采集 Stereocaulon Beatrice Willard B. Willard 1962-08-16 1962 Stereocaulaceae COLO COLO-L-0043056 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
已采集 Stereocaulon tomentosum Beatrice Willard B. Willard 1962-09-23 1962 Stereocaulaceae COLO COLO-L-0042852 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
已采集 Scytinium gelatinosum Beatrice Willard updated from Esslinger, T.L. Checklist of N.A. Lichens (v. 19) 1961-02-15 2014 Collemataceae COLO COLO-L-0024714 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
已采集 Hypogymnia physodes Beatrice Willard updated by T.L. Esslinger (A Cumulative Checklist for the Lichen-forming, Lichenicolous and Allied Fungi of the Continental United States and Canada) 13 December 20122 1959-09-04 2012 Parmeliaceae COLO COLO-L-0019357 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
已采集 Flavocetraria nivalis Beatrice Willard updated by T.L. Esslinger (A Cumulative Checklist for the Lichen-forming, Lichenicolous and Allied Fungi of the Continental United States and Canada) 13 December 20122 1959-09-04 2012 Parmeliaceae COLO COLO-L-0016843 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
已采集 Cladonia rangiferina Beatrice Willard Nomenclatural Adjustment 1959-09-04 May 16, 2018 Cladoniaceae COLO COLO-L-0009397 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
已采集 Cladonia stellaris Beatrice Willard Nomenclatural Adjustment 1959-09-04 May 16, 2018 Cladoniaceae COLO COLO-L-0009447 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
已采集 Cetrariella delisei Beatrice Willard updated by T.L. Esslinger (A Cumulative Checklist for the Lichen-forming, Lichenicolous and Allied Fungi of the Continental United States and Canada) 13 December 2012 1959-09-04 2012 Parmeliaceae COLO COLO-L-0008947 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
已采集 Cetraria laevigata Beatrice Willard Ingvar Karnefelt 1959-09-04 1976 Parmeliaceae COLO COLO-L-0008281 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
已采集 Circinaria caesiocinerea Beatrice Willard Nomenclatural Adjustment 1958-10-10 June 19, 2018 Megasporaceae COLO COLO-L-0002458 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
已采集 Aspicilia Beatrice Willard unknown 1958-10-10 unknown Megasporaceae COLO COLO-L-0003044 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
已采集 Stegonia latifolia Beatrice Willard 1962-07-13 Pottiaceae COLO COLO-B-0056780 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
已采集 Stegonia latifolia Beatrice Willard 1962-08-06 Pottiaceae COLO COLO-B-0056792 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
已采集 Sphagnum russowii John Douglas; Margaret Douglas, Beatrice Willard H. Crum 1957-07-15 Sphagnaceae COLO COLO-B-0055658 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
已采集 Ptychostomum cryophilum Beatrice Willard W. A. Weber 1962-07-11 2004 Bryaceae COLO COLO-B-0047177 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
已采集 Pohlia obtusifolia Beatrice Willard 1962-08-29 Mniaceae COLO COLO-B-0043654 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
已采集 Philonotis americana Beatrice Willard W. A. Weber 1962-08-15 2008-00-00 Bartramiaceae COLO COLO-B-0038837 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
已采集 Niphotrichum canescens Beatrice Willard W. A. Weber 1962-08-16 2006-07-24 Grimmiaceae COLO COLO-B-0034786 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
已采集 Niphotrichum canescens Beatrice Willard W. A. Weber 1962-08-22 2006-07-24 Grimmiaceae COLO COLO-B-0034799 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
已采集 Niphotrichum canescens Beatrice Willard W. A. Weber 1962-08-22 2006-07-24 Grimmiaceae COLO COLO-B-0034847 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
已采集 Meesia uliginosa Beatrice Willard 1962-08-27 Meesiaceae COLO COLO-B-0032940 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN