学名 收藏者 鉴定员 采集日期 鉴定日期 机构 目录编号 类型状态 记录基础
已采集 Ursus arctos Preparator(s): Alaska Department of Fish and Game unknown 1971-09-26 2000-09-12 Ursidae UAM UAM:Mamm:14303 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
已采集 Oreoscoptes montanus HOLLAND, W.J. 1899-04-25 Mimidae CM P3750 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
已采集 Eremophila alpestris occidentalis HOLLAND, W.J. 1899-04-25 Alaudidae CM P3749 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
已采集 Lanius excubitor borealis HOLLAND, W.J. 1899-04 Laniidae CM P3748 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN
已采集 Allosaurus fragilis WILLIAM J HOLLAND 1899 Allosauridae CM 82 FOSSIL_SPECIMEN